Sometimes it takes a good read to rediscover your game

I love to read and am always looking for great books, sites and magazines – whether they be for work or for entertainment. When I saw this article, I thought it would be good to share some recommended golf books with you from the Economic Times in India. I am assuming many of you don’t subscribe to that paper 🙂

One book not on the list, but worth checking out is one which teaches you that you can mix business with pleasure and get better at both at the same time. How to Play Business Golf is an ideal book to show you how to use golf to better your business. I just heard that this great book is now on sale, so you might want to pick it up for a friend or colleague or keep it as your “go to” book.

And I also discovered a new blog which I’ve added to my blogroll. “Golf for Women” blog is really great. It was interesting reading Stina’s posting on the “Fore Inventors Only” show on the Golf Channel. I’m not a big fan of that show because I think a lot of the inventions are dumb and a waste of airtime and the negativity of the judges is too “reality TV” for me, but her post about it was entertaining.

I’d love to hear your recommended readings.


Economic Times
15 Jul 2007

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  1. Thank you for your supportof my book…I look forward in visiting with your fans…

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