Thank Heaven for Golf!

Fall in Canada always sneaks up on me and I’m never ready for it.  It spells the end of summer and the beginning of 9 months of rain up here in Vangroovy, BC.   Sigh…

But this past weekend we got lucky because the forecast called for rain, but instead we had 2 days of perfect golf weather.

As I zig zagged around 18 holes of heaven with my clubs, I started thinking about how thankful I am for golf.  By the time I reached the 19th, I had a pretty substantial list of merci beaucoups.

Here are my top 10…

Thank you Golf for:

1.  Giving me a lifelong pleasure that I can indulge in today with my golfguy (and hopefully in eternity — there just have to be golf in heaven!).

You know what they say, “Those who play together, stay together”.  It is absolutely true.  We are not only partners in life, we are best golf buddies.  I can’t imagine life without playing match play with him for a week of household chores or that new pair of Eccos I’ve been dying to buy.

2.  Giving me a bucket list.  It’s chocked full of courses around the world.  I’ll never be bored in retirement as we’ll be too busy hopping from one fairway to the next.  And we won’t stop until we’re under the turf instead of over it.  You might want to add this one to your bucket list…

3.  Giving me a chance to fulfill my passion for writing.  Working full-time pays for wine and golf, but steals precious hours that could be better spent writing the book I’ve always wanted to publish.  I already have the title I think would sell: “18 Shades of Green” – πŸ˜‰  WDYT?

It will be a few years before I have the time for this passion, but golf has given me inspiration to write about golf, so here I am! 

4.  Ensuring I’m never at a loss for words at boring business functions.  There’s always someone who golfs at these events. When I arrive, I just “work the room” and look for those with that fair-away look in their eyes, so I can pass the rest of the evening talking shots instead of talking shop.

5.  Giving me another excuse to shop for more shoes πŸ™‚

6.  Creating memories I’ll cherish forever…like playing golf with my dad before his stroke, or watching my M-I-L birdie the 10th hole at our local course when she was in her 80’s! 

7.  Giving me a reason to get out of bed early on a sunny Saturday morning (to play golf) or a reason to stay in bed and drink coffee on a rainy Saturday morning (to watch the European Tour).

8.  Great friends I would never have otherwise met.  My closest friends in Vancouver are those I met on the first tee.

9.  Golf getaways. See #2 above (Yes…we’ve already started…)

10.  Getting me out of my office chair where I have a tendency to work work work.  Golf gives me a reason to play play play!

To quote one of baseball’s best…Chico Escuela, “Baseball Golf has been berry berry good to me”. 

And as the First Tee kids say on TV, “If it wasn’t for golf, I’d be like my friends – a couch potato” πŸ™‚

Thank you Golf – you are a life saver and… a friend for life!


Pamper yourself on Maui! Book your little piece of heaven in golfers’ paradise. Book now at and tell them Golfgal sent you!

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  1. Couldn’t have described it any better. You make me want to grab my clubs and head to the links. Love the proposed title of your book. Go for it!!

  2. Thanks Sherry!

    Sure would be great to play some golf with you someday. Hey…I’ll put that on my bucket list and it will definitely happen then.

    Maybe I’ll let you write the steamy parts of my book given how shy I am πŸ˜‰ and we can co-publish it.

    Take care!

  3. Great article. I too thank God all the time for leading me to this game that I love. I especially relate to you “Fair away” eyes. comment.

    It’s always nice to connect with someone at a business meeting with similar golf interests. I can’t tell you how many great contact I’ve made through a mutual love of the game.

  4. Hey RocketBallz! So nice to hear from you, especially since I am so excited about my new golf clubs (which coincidentally are…Drum roll!!!! RocketBallz πŸ™‚


    You are so right about how many great contacts you can meet over golf whether face to face, or through social media like me meeting you here πŸ™‚

    Have a great day! Hope to hear from you again soon.


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