Team Europe Domination of Ryder Cup and Social Media Just a Coincidence?

The teams are set – the lines are drawn – rivalries are heating up – and the Regnosaurus[1] and Archaic (R & A) are proving once again why golf isn’t keeping up with the social times — all in the name of “tradition”.   Ridiculous!
Ryder Cup 2014
But regardless of the shortsightedness of the Powers that Be over selfies, the Ryder Cup will once again have us all sitting on the edge of our sofas, hoping for a “down-to-the-final-putt” win by our favorite player from our chosen team.
To expect an ending like 2012’s Miracle at Medinah is perhaps asking too much, but the mayhem from the team in red, white and blue can’t help but make us wonder why, in the last 6 events, Europe has dominated.
Many have speculated that the European Tour players have developed stronger friendships because they travel so much together – playing in a different country every week on the European Tour.  And it’s those friendships that have created a bond that the US Team has never been able to break.
Others have said that the Cup is more important to the European Team than it is to the US players.  But I don’t believe that.  I think every US player cares a lot… expect for maybe Tiger who cares more about annihilating everyone in the field than sharing a biannual victory with teammates he can’t seem to bond with.  Maybe his lack of caring is the root cause of his dismal RC record.
But I digress…
I decided to delve into the debate on whether the Europeans are more “social” than the American players by digging into their “social lives”.  As of Sept 2nd these are their social media stats…
Ryder Cup Player Social Media Statistics
Team Euro has
152% more Facebook fans & 
84% more Twitter followers 
than Team USA  
Does that surprise you?
I’m not sure what it means, but I will be watching to see if those players who are more socially-devoted put more points on the score board at the end of the day.
Let the games begin!

[1]  Regnosaurus – A dinosaur that once lived in what is now modern-day England.
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One comment

  1. What an interesting point of view! I always assumed Americans were a lot more into social media. Great article

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