The last time I caught up with Kelowna, B.C.’s Kyla Inaba, she was captain of the Thunderbirds golf team at the University of British Columbia and seriously considering a future in professional golf. Fast-forward a few years and the 28-year-old has not only made up her mind, she also made it onto Golf Channel’s latest reality competition, Altered Course.
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Ka’anapali Kicks It Up Another Notch in Paradise!
Diversification has been the mantra of financial advisers since the dawn of the stock exchange and for good reason. Putting all of one’s eggs into one basket is a high-risk game in personal wealth management as well as in many businesses. Unfortunately for the golf industry, it hasn’t jumped on the diversification gravy train and is suffering the consequences.
Read More »Playing it Forward
Most of us were introduced to the game of golf by someone who was inspired to share their passion—whether it was a great teaching pro, an encouraging family member, or a dear friend who promised, “No seriously, it will be fun!”
Read More »Declining participation in golf is hitting too close to home
In the past 6 months I’ve played only 4 rounds of golf which is pretty sad given we can play here all 12 months of the year. And it’s been many months since I wrote a post on this blog or really engaged with other golfers on social media. To say I’ve been busy this year at work is an …
Read More »Guest Post: SWIG – Starting Women in Golf
In 2 previous blog posts, I looked at some of the issues that could be impacting on the declining participation of women in golf. As I’ve found out in many years of marriage, women think differently from men, and men shouldn’t automatically assume that what works for them also works for women. Unfortunately, the golf industry is largely run by …
Read More »Guest Post: What Turns Women On — To Golf
This is the 2nd of a 3 week series of posts on Women in Golf by Jim Lee of BC Golf. Probably most women would agree that most men don’t know what turns women on. In my case its (mostly) true, but it depends if you are asking my wife. So I’m going to restrict my comments in this blog to …
Read More »Guest Post: Where have all the Women Golfers Gone?
This spring a women’s golf club near and dear to my heart (Golf Fore Gals) closed its doors. Sadly, like in many parts of the world, women’s golf in BC is on the decline. I have struggled to figure out how to turn this trend around and turned to a colleague of mine from British Columbia Golf to understand the …
Read More »Take Your Passion for the US Open to North Bellingham!
Well, the craziness that was the U.S. Open in Washington State is now in the rear view mirror. So…now what do we do? We enjoy the magnificent weather the gods of golf have given us in the Pacific Northwest and sign up with our buddies and buddets to play in the annual North Bellingham Classic presented by Golf Today NW! This …
Read More »Get Your Brain in Your Golf Game
Golf is like any other sport in that mental strength is essential for success. Indeed, sometimes it is all that matters when it comes to winning or losing. If you learn to develop the correct mentality and to turn your weaknesses into strengths, you can increase your chances of winning.
Read More »Getting Ready for My New Favorite Golf Adventure
I have often thought that you can tell more about a person by what they read, watch, listen to and do for fun than what they say about themselves. It’s why I ask people I meet for the first time what their favorite books/movies/past times/music are. If you were to ask me that question, here’s what I’d say…
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