Talk about a “slip of the tongue” shank!

Kelly Kelly Kelly…what were you thinking? I know…we all speak out of turn from time to time, but girlfriend…this was a wee bit over the top.

Lynching Tiger in the back alley ..hmmm…not good.

I often kid the Golf Channel for its “political correctness”. You wouldn’t hear a golf channel personality say that “if Ben Hogan saw Parry’s swing, he’d puke.”

But then again, I can’t imagine Johnny Miller ever suggesting the young guns lynch Tiger. Oh well…even the best make stupid blunders, right?

Look at the bright side, Kelly…you’ll now be part of history. Yesterday you were in the top 10 of Google’s Hot Trends! You’re right up there now with Johnny Miller!

Poor Kelly, she’s not everyone’s favorite on the air, but I really enjoy her and Nick Faldo together – they banter well and it’s playful. So I’m glad the Golf Channel isn’t going to overreact on this one. But what do you think?

Golf for Women magazine wants to know. They’ve set up a poll asking readers if they think Kelly Tilghman should be fired from the Golf Channel. It only takes a minute, so please vote. Just click on this picture below and have your say…

Anyway…it appears that Tiger forgives you, Kelly…

And I’m sure your fans do too…

As for those who aren’t your fans and never were… well….do you really care?

As for me…apology accepted 🙂


Guy Spurrier, National Post
National Post
09 Jan 2008

The lingering story from the weekend’s Mercedes-Benz Championship isn’t Mike Weir’s final round, Daniel Chopra’s series of missed putts in the playoffs or the absences of Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson. The story still lingering — and making a rapid… read more…

Tech Tags: National Post newspaper Sports
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  1. I think it is time the TGC look to replacing Kelly. True, she has gotten the TGC to where it is today and has represented the women of golf very well, however, as far as an on-air golf analysis or commentator, there are much better. The thing that grins on me the most about Kelly, which is exemplified in this incident with the comment about lunching Tiger, is she is trying to talk like a guy…in some case literally.

    As a frequent viewer of The Golf Channel I would like the quality of commentating or reporting of the game, to be done with the level of quality the National News is produced…have someone of the quality of Katie Couric representing the women of golf. Someone who knows how to take golf commentating to the next level.

    That is my two cents…

  2. I like Kelly and have enjoyed seeing her growth within TGC.

    Was the lynching line iappropriate YES, but not wothy of a firing and ending a carrer.

    We have to realize Tiger is a great player of golf but has been elevated to ” God ” status.

    If Obama becomes President perhaps we could relax a little on a history of lynchings and move on to a a new level of personal realization.

  3. May the Saints preserve us. Those two cents must have been found on a sidewalk in L.A.

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