Big Break Sandals 2: From Immunity to Elimination, just like that!

Well, in only 2 days, Kelly certainly had her share of ups and downs on the Big Break Sandals.

One day she’s holding the Send/Save card and the next she’s taking the walk of shame.

They say that the Big Break isn’t “real golf”, but when you see those kinds of highs and lows, you start to think it’s very much like this fickle game we play. Birdie one hole and double bogey the next. It’s a wonder we keep coming back for more. Golfers must be born masochists.

At 32, Kelly is the oldest player on the Big Break. She comes with a lot of experience as a successful golf pro at the Reunion Resort in Orlando. So it made me wonder how she missed that 8 iron shot when Seema literally handed her the get out of jail card.

Taryn gives us an inside look at the Sudden Death playoff, shares her thoughts on the elimination challenge and Kelly’s performance, and clears the air on something she supposedly said, but really didn’t…

Oh those editors! 🙂

Carling “dancing queen” Coffing certainly had a fun day in paradise. Let’s hear more about what she thought of the first 2 shows of the season and her send/save choice…

Thanks Taryn and Carling!

Next week it looks like the Shark will shake things up a bit. Can’t wait!


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    Nice coverage on the show Gayle and I think next week looks like it will be fun as well. I was sorry to see Kelly go. One thing I believe the show could do much better is occasionally adding some graphics of the contestants full names on screen so viewers will remember them easier both on the show and afterwards.
    Oh, and about those hosts….

  2. Thanks Brian. I was sorry as well to see Kelly go. But all but one will hit that road sooner or later.

    And what about those hosts? 🙂

  3. Kelly indeed could be better in terms of golf swing tips as her each move looks great. But unfortunately, she can’t perform well these days as expected. Hope for the best.

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