Hello everyone. I just received an email from James Gregson of Hill and Knowlton in my On-Mark-IT inbox and I was rather surprised to receive it. However, I am happy he sent it as it told me something I didn’t know and introduced me to Julieta’s blog. I think this is so cool that she is going to post stories …
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Two pups and a cub – Tiger Woods shares his new happy family
A lovely story and wonderful pictures. So nice that Tiger posted them all for free on his web site. Does anyone know where the name “Sam” came from? Enjoy! Golfgal New York Post26 Jun 2007 Pamper yourself on Maui! Book your little piece of heaven in golfers’ paradise. Book now at http://www.vrbo.com/424659 and tell them Golfgal sent you!
Read More »A fairway view, if you can duck every so often
I am always amazed by stories like this. If you buy a house on a fault line, be prepared for eathquake damage. The same is true for golf courses – if you buy a house on a golf course, be prepared for balls to drop into your yard, through your windows or even into your oven (now that was wierd). …
Read More »PGA Gets Closer To Adopting Universal Drug-Testing Policy (New York Sun, 21 Jun 2007, Page 25)
This seems like “much to do about nothing” to me. Drug testing for athletes is common all over the world. If golfers want the game to be called a sport and themselves, athletes, then that comes with conditions (whether they are “needed” or not). What’s the big deal? As long as they don’t start saying that an antihistamine is a …
Read More »Golf – so much more than a game!
Hey there Did you know that golf is a $ 2.7 billion a year industry and that it is the No. 1 participation sport in the world with about 61 million players worldwide, of which 55 per cent take three golfing trips a year and 47 per cent cite golf as being their main reason for choice of holiday destination?Of …
Read More »Happy Belated Father’s Day, Tiger!
Timing is everything they say… Sounds like Elin was working hard to make sure that baby was born at exactly the right moment. Now Tiger has lots of time to enjoy his new baby (Sam Alexis Woods) with Elin before hitting the links at the Open. Can you imagine if he had to play a playoff on Monday? He might …
Read More »Robin Williams – Golf (Full Version)
Okay…this video comes with a disclaimer that the language is edgy, but it is so hilarious I just can’t help but laugh until it hurts. I hope you share my sense of humour 🙂 Pamper yourself on Maui! Book your little piece of heaven in golfers’ paradise. Book now at http://www.vrbo.com/424659 and tell them Golfgal sent you!
Read More »I am a golf-aholic
Hello everyone I know you are all talking about the US Open and how Tiger couldn’t buy a birdie to save his life on Sunday, but while you were all sitting in front of your HD TV’s, enjoying the game, I was out in the teeming raining telling myself “I love this game”. Charles and I had played on Saturday …
Read More »16 year old Richard Lee of Vancouver in US Open!
I just wanted to say a big “good luck” to young Richard Lee, a 16 year old from Vancouver who qualified for the US Open! Can you imagine shooting a 62 at 12 years of age??? I can, but that would be for 9 holes 🙂 Well, Richard, we’ll be following you at Oakmont and wishing you all the best! …
Read More »Finally – equality bill set to curb golf club discrimination
It’s sometimes hard to believe we’re not living in the dark ages. I have no problem with private clubs that are specfically for one gender, male or female, but to have a golf club (that is supposed to be “open” to both sexes) treat women as second class citizens….well…it’s just too pathetic for words. A similar situation occured here in …
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